About Us
“Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right”
Though great strides and faith Franklin’s Tower was born. The business on which Franklin’s Tower sits was purchased 25 days before one of the largest storms in Houston Texas history. I watched helplessly as the water soared to record breaking levels, knowing I didn’t have flood insurance. The feeling of bleakness and despair engulfed me as the ten foot of water encircling the building slowly receded. The vast sight of destruction was more than my eyes could conceive. Mud, muck and sand dripped from the floor to the ceiling. Walls where knocked out, peeling off, a single dirty water line laid in the place of once hung neons and familiar beer tins. How does one move forward from this, knowing there is no insurance or assistances in place? As word of the wreckage began to spread like wildfire over the telephone and social media of the neighborhoods beloved local hangout, an amazingly beautiful thing began to happen. People began to show up with shovels, tractors, tools,and anything they had to start the process of cleaning a decade of memories out into the street. Family, friends, strangers, regulars young and old worked vigorously until the building was gutted and scrubbed free from the mess hurricane Harvey left behind. The effort was awe-inspiring. The rebuild effort was just as astonishing. People dropped off materials, tables, water and food Incase we were hungry. Groups of people worked day and night, rummaging through trash piles, free Facebook adds, free Craigslist adds for goods we could use in the rebuild process. I am more than happy to say 80% of the building was rebuild with repurposed materials. Through the help of family, friends, strangers and conviction Franklin’s Tower was reborn. The name suits us well. I have always been a huge fan of the Grateful Dead not only for their music but their community. We strive to bring music, art and community under one roof built from love. Although the hurricane was a hardship I would never want anyone to endure the lessons I have learned about love, trust, hard work and faith I am undoubtedly grateful for. ‘Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right’ -Grateful Dead